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  • : cyclocosmos.com
  • : Corinne et Enzo vous invite à découvrir leur traversée de la Cordillère des Andes à vélo. Un itinéraire qui les mènera dans la jungle équatorienne et péruvienne ; dans les déserts d’Atacama et du Sud Lipez et bien évidemment aux sommets des Andes avec plusieurs passages à 5000 m d’altitude. Départ le 15 septembre 2010 retour le 1er avril 2011.
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8 septembre 2013 7 08 /09 /septembre /2013 08:55
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Pucallpa - Tingo Maria (28-30/08/2013)


Que des jolies chutes au programme et ce, sans même prendre de tour organisé. Mais... chut, on ne vous dira pas où elles se trouvent !


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Chut !


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Chut !


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Chut !


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Je me suis mis Corinne à dos !





Pucallpa - Tingo Maria (28-30/08/2013)


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Getting out of Pucallpa : Peru= Mototaxi-land


After Pucallpa there is no more road. Only a boat to go to Iquitos (=the Amazonas),

or go back, and take the road to Tingo Maria


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  In the region of Pucallpa, there is not much left of the jungle.

All has been deforested, to implement farms and private properties...


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And the deforestation keeps on going...

Most trucks that pass us are stuffed with... wood.


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It's the cacao-region here, but they can not make chocolate as fine as the Belgians do... ;-)


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The second day we start to see again the heights of the Andes...

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Ufo-restaurant = In (all) South-America there is a strong belief in extraterrestians and ufo's...

They would be 'seen' often here...

(In Argentina there is even a ufo-village, with a museum, etc...)



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This bird looks funny...


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On the road to Tingo Maria there are many many cascades (see Enzo's article above), and it is also extremely hot.

So, we're dying to go swim, but we have to move on.

In the evening we wanted to put up the tent near a cascade, so that we have time to swim, but we're not allowed to... because of eventual falling rocks, eventual snakes, eventual bandits (=it is true that there are many military here = some people warn us that the region is not very safe... Before there have also been terrorist-gangs here...)


But, we are disappointed... =It is already since Bolivia (=each time we go more in selva-regions) that I wanted a natural shower...

I always see on the tourist-publicities people swimming in cascades, and I wanted that too... :-(


But the next day... finally !



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First contemplating the cascade from a distance...


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There I'm in the water...


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Almost there...


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Yes ! I have my 'natural shower' !


(Enzo thought the water was too cold...  and it 'is' actually cold...)


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Many bananas...



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In Tingo Maria we take a day off, to walk around and visit some huge cave (=with huge bats inside!)


Exept of the polution (of the many mototaxis), I really liked Tingo-Maria : There is a very nice atmosfere (again very different then elsewhere in Peru).

Selva-people seem very relaxed to me.

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Oh la la David, on voit que tu n'as jamais goûté le chocolat noir 99% suisse!!!
Encore de magnifiques photos, un chouette jeu de mots et des explications très intéressantes sur des choses différentes. Merci de tout coeur à tous les deux!
<br /> <br /> Y a pas de quoi soeurette !<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
Alors Enzo n'est pas aller faire trempette dans la cascade ? Quel dommage. Cela doit être agréable de se rafraîchir un peu.<br /> Je n'ai jamais goûté au chocolat péruvien, les pralines belges sont bonnes mais peut-être un peu écœurantes alors qu'un bon chocolat noir français 70%, c'est exquis !!!!<br /> Bonne route :-)
<br /> <br /> Dès que l'on parle de bouffe, y a David qui rapplique !<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
Oh la la... La star... Enzo ta fortune est faite vends à prix d'or les photos pour des marques de shower soap.<br /> Bravos à tous les deux kissosssss
<br /> <br /> A méditer !<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />