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  • : cyclocosmos.com
  • : Corinne et Enzo vous invite à découvrir leur traversée de la Cordillère des Andes à vélo. Un itinéraire qui les mènera dans la jungle équatorienne et péruvienne ; dans les déserts d’Atacama et du Sud Lipez et bien évidemment aux sommets des Andes avec plusieurs passages à 5000 m d’altitude. Départ le 15 septembre 2010 retour le 1er avril 2011.
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5 septembre 2013 4 05 /09 /septembre /2013 08:25
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La Merced - Pucallpa (23-27/08/2013)


Et c'est reparti pour un petit tour dans la selva. !

A mon avis, ceux qui essayent encore de nous suivre sur une carte sont un peu perdus.


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Selva profonde.


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  Non Corinne, c'est pas le moment !!!! 


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Alors, le pont ou la rivière ?


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Bein, ce sera les pieds dans l'eau !


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Vu que Jérôme et Cindy ne sont plus là pour nous seconder,
c'est maintenant Corinne qui se charge de mon vélo pour la traversée des rivières.






La Merced - Pucallpa (23-27/08/2013)


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Our passage through the (central) selva was rather cloudy, with some rain, but maybe that was better (to cycle), because the sun burns very hard here and the air is very humid. 


We cycle a long (climbing) day to the village of Oxapampa.


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  There are many Germans living in this region.

In Oxapampa you can feel their influence : This village doesn't feel like Peru at all :

There are many 'white' people here and the houses are like wooden chalets with gardens.

We've spend a great evening in Oxapampa in a bar (till midnight), talking with locals.


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The next day we planned to go to Pozuzo= a German community, where it would be possible to take a boat in the direction of Tingo-Maria (to reach Huanuco and the Cordillera Blanca), but (again we have to change plan, because) the road would be impracticable to the port...

Instead we have to make a whole tour (in the direction of Pucallpa), to try to catch a boat somewhere else...


We take a little dirt-road to Villarica and arrive late in the evening.


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It looks like the Ardennes (but with other vegetation !)


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Now & then we're served a wet shower...

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We have to pass many rivers.

Although we had some rain, it is supposed to be the dry saison now, so the rivers are not that high, but in the rainy-saison these rivers can become very deep with a lot of current...

Also the people warn us not to camp near a river here.




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We don't advance very quickly (due to the heat, the dirt-road, the many rivers,...), so we climb on a one of the few passing trucks, but after a while we get a flat tire...

It becomes dark, so we let us drive to the nearest small village (as camping in this hostile environment isn't easy.

I loved this night-drive in the jungle (with the stars above, the headlights of the truck lightening up all trees & vegetation, all jungle night-sounds, the huge night-butterflies and light-giving insects,...), but Enzo is stressed about it being dark (as he is very afraid of eventual serpents and even more of mosquitos and getting malaria or dengue...)

The village counts only a few houses and it is 'really' very very dark (and we only have one very low functionning front-lamp=one completely and the other almost out of batteries) and not easy to find a 'flat' spot to camp...

In the dark we manage to camp at a sawmill, but this evening happened to be a nightmare for Enzo...


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We're not in the Amazonas, but yet, it really feels like jungle here.

This is also because it is still hilly here, but the more we approach Pucallpa, the more it becomes flat = the more it becomes deforested...

Still Peru, but again a completely different world :

The people are very different compared to the Indians of the mountains.

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oh enzo tu es un gros co...n tu aurais pu me dire que tu allait a Pucallpa, c'est a 8 km de la ville ou j'ai passé mon enfance amazonienne. tu airais pu visiter la famille.... tchoooo
Le voyage de nuit m'aurait bien plu je pense !<br /> Encore et toujours beaucoup de péripéties comme je peux voir. Déjà les 3/4 de votre voyage effectué, profitez bien des quelques semaines qu'il vous reste.<br /> Je vous embrasse bien fort !
<br /> <br /> On en profite... au lit !<br /> <br /> <br /> Touchés tous les deux par une mauvaise broncho-pneumo-machin-chouette !<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
Hola amigos<br /> Beaucoup de pluie ou pas ? Communautés indiennes sympas ou pas ? Accueillantes ou pas ?<br /> Buena suerte a todos y hasta pronto
<br /> <br /> En fait, ce sont juste des communautés qui se déguisent pour les touristes... et vu qu'il y avait un blocage des routes et que les deux seuls touristes qui pouvaient arriver jusqu'à leur<br /> communauté étaient deux gringos à vélo, on les a surpris à vivre exactement comme n'importe quel péruvien. TV, jeans, basket, portable moderne et cerveza.<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />